Rituals for Getting Dressed: Adorning Yourself Through the Sensuous Art of Style

“The Joy of Dressing is an Art” — john galliano

Getting dressed is an everyday activity that often goes overlooked, but it can be a powerful tool for self-expression and self-care. The art of style is about more than just fashion and trends; it's about adorning yourself in a way that makes you feel confident, comfortable, empowered and embodied in your fullest expression. By incorporating rituals into your dressing routine, you can elevate this mundane task into a meaningful act of self-love, creativity and play.

Choosing Your Outfit with Intention

One of the most important aspects of dressing with intention is choosing your outfit with purpose. Instead of mindlessly throwing on whatever is clean or comfortable, or habitually putting on the same outfit each day —take a few moments to consider how you want to feel and what message you want to convey through your clothing. Do you want to feel powerful and confident? Playful and whimsical? Sensual and alluring? Once you have a sense of the mood you're going for, you can cultivate that energy through an Adornment Ritual and begin to curate an outfit from that place of embodiment, reflecting that intention.

When it comes to self-decoration, the power of intention cannot be overstated. When we adorn ourselves with purpose, we are imbuing our appearance with meaning and significance. This can be as simple as choosing to wear a piece of jewelry that has a special significance to you, or creating an entire outfit that reflects your personality and values. By approaching self-decoration with intention, we can elevate it from a mindless act to a sacred ritual.

Creating a Sacred Space

Another way to elevate your dressing ritual is to create a sacred space in which to do it. This could be a small corner of your bedroom or bathroom, or even just a special hanger or hook where you hang your favorite items. By designating a specific area for your dressing ritual, you signal to your brain that this is an important and meaningful activity. You might also consider adding elements to your sacred space that inspire and uplift you, such as a vase of fresh flowers, a scented candle, or a piece of art that makes you feel happy.

Incorporating Mindfulness and Gratitude

Lastly, consider incorporating mindfulness and sensuality to your dressing routine. As you wear each piece of clothing, take a moment to feel its texture against your skin. Put on your elegant earrings with a smile and a wink in the mirror, absorbing the energy you wish to portray throughout the day or evening. Also, appreciate the items you wear and their significance in your life. Whether it's a special ring from an ancestor or a high-quality cashmere sweater that you purchased from a small, sustainable brand contributing to the planet's well-being, every item in your wardrobe has a story and purpose. This is particularly true if you've taken the time to curate a conscious closet. By acknowledging and appreciating your belongings, you incorporate gratitude and mindfulness into your dressing ritual, treating your items as sacred and carrying this positivity throughout your day.


Getting dressed may seem like a small and insignificant part of your day, but it can be so much more than that. By approaching it with intention, creating a sacred space, and incorporating mindfulness, sensuality and gratitude, you can turn this everyday task into a powerful act of self-expression, adornment and self-care. So next time you get dressed, take a moment to honor yourself and the sensuous art of style.


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