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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

What it Means to be a Modern Day Renaissance Woman

A Renaissance Woman is a woman who is skilled and knowledgeable in a wide range of subjects, and who embodies creativity, intelligence, and independence. Embracing this concept allows you to tap into your multidimensionality and fully embody all aspects of yourself. In today's world, where innovation, diversity, and adaptability are essential, women who embody these qualities are considered the leaders of the new earth.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

Dressing for the Male Gaze vs. the Female Gaze

As women, we often find ourselves caught between the desire to express our femininity and sensuality and the fear of being seen or subjugated through the male gaze. Dressing for the male gaze implies a subconscious desire to be the object of male attention, conforming to societal expectations. On the other hand, dressing for the female gaze is about feeling confident, comfortable, and true to our own desires. It celebrates our strength, beauty, and power without fear of judgment or objectification. Let's create a world where women are celebrated for who they truly are and where they can feel safe and fully liberated in their expression.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

Embracing The Wabi-Sabi Philosophy: Imperfection in Beauty & Fashion

Embracing the Wabi Sabi philosophy in fashion involves moving away from fast fashion, repairing old garments, incorporating natural elements, and celebrating the unique history of each piece. This creates a conscious, sustainable, and eco-friendly wardrobe that empowers your minimalist and self-care journey. Learn how to embody Wabi-Sabi with "Embracing the Wabi-sabi Philosophy: Imperfection in Beauty and Fashion", a guide to finding beauty in imperfections and appreciating the natural cycle of growth and decay in fashion.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

13 Clothing Brands with Elevated Basics for Your Capsule Wardrobe

A list of my favorite minimalist clothing brands for different styles and occasions – from buttery soft sweaters for the sensualist working from home to comfy sets for women on the go. Mix and match a few high-quality essentials with your unique poetry pieces to create the perfect minimalist capsule wardrobe and personal style that reflects your authentic self.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

A Guide to Mindful Consumption: Experience More Freedom by Consuming Less

In today's society, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and messages telling us to buy more, consume more, and upgrade our possessions. The result is a culture of overconsumption that damages our wallets, our psyche and the planet. Breaking free from the cycle of impulsive buying, mindlessly following trends, and excessive consumption is not only possible but can also feel liberating. Mindful consumption is about the power of our choices. Each purchase we make is a vote for the kind of world we want. It's about reshaping our relationship with possessions and realizing that our value is not defined by what we own. It encourages a deeper connection with ourselves, allowing us to become sovereign and free beings.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

The Power of Embracing Beauty as a Compass

β€œBeauty for the sake of beauty is necessary, vital & healing. Beauty invites wonder. Beauty reminds us of hope & possibility. Beauty gives us permission to stop, rest & restore our tired bones. When all is confusing or brittle, beauty is softness. When all is heavy and tense, beauty is release. When all seems lost, beauty can call us home. And Aphrodite reminds us that in our beauty & in our ability to find & celebrate it, we are smoothed & we become resilience. For what can another do if we are truly & madly in love with the world?” β€” Pagan Portals, Aphrodite, by Irisanya Moon

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Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti

Seasonal Rituals to Amplify Vitality & Feel in Flow with Life

Living cyclically means aligning our lives with the seasons of nature and embracing its natural process of birth, decay, and death. When we don't check in, we may find ourselves rushing through transitional times that require us to slow down and reflect, and as a result, we may wake up one day feeling overwhelmed, confused and disconnected from our lives. So as we approach the end of a quarter, it's a great time to take stock of our lives, evaluate our desires and dreams, and our progress towards them, assessing whether our desires still align or if adjustments or changes need to be made. And just like we need to clean our homes and declutter our spaces, our minds and bodies also require regular maintenance.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

How to Embody Your Personal Style

Personal style is an integral part of our identity, and it can have a profound effect on how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. Embodying our personal style can help us to feel whole from the outside in and the inside out. By choosing clothing that aligns with our values and beliefs, and that reflects our soul and experience, we can use style as a tool for conscious self-expression and embodiment.

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Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti

How to Curate a Conscious Closet

Learn about the negative impact of the fast fashion industry on the environment and learn tips on how to create a more ethical closet and sustainable wardrobe through mindful curation, supporting sustainable fashion brands, choosing quality over quantity, buying vintage or second-hand clothing, hosting clothing swaps, and taking the time to build an ethical closet. The goal is to align the fashion industry with the world's natural resources and create a healthier planet.

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Latest Posts Squaremuse Team Latest Posts Squaremuse Team

Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energies

Learn about the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies (yin and yang) for everyone, regardless of gender. This article provides health tips and wellness tips for engaging both energies, such as using pleasure as a compass, working out for masculine energy, and practicing cyclical living, connecting with nature and creative expression for feminine energy. Learn about the importance of assessing your environment and life to ensure a healthy balance of yin and yang energies.

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Jessica Zanotti Jessica Zanotti

The 10 Best Online Small Vintage Shops

A holistic personal stylist’s eight favorite online vintage shops offering a range of vintage items, from timeless classics to unique statement pieces, promoting sustainability and reducing waste through the reuse of clothing.

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