How to Embody Your Personal Style

As human beings, we are complex and multifaceted creatures. Our experiences, values, and beliefs are all part of this intricate tapestry that we weave throughout our lives. Fashion and personal style is one of the many forms of self-expression and storytelling that allows us to showcase different aspects of ourselves. It can serve as a visual representation of our inner world, telling a story about who we are, what we value, and where we come from.

Personal style is important because it is an integral part of our identity, and it can have a profound effect on how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. Knowing our personal style and embodying it can help us to feel whole from the outside in and the inside out. By choosing clothing that aligns with our values and beliefs, and that reflects our soul and experience, we can use style as a tool for conscious self-expression and embodiment.

Loving Your Body, First

You must love and cherish your body first and foremost. Loving your body means accepting your body and embracing it as it is. When you love yourself and your body first, it becomes easier to express your personal style with truthfulness, ease and confidence, allowing you to feel radiant, aligned and self-assured in all that you do.

Know Thyself, Identify Your Personal Style

The next step in knowing your personal style is to get to know yourself and to identify your functional and aspirational needs for your wardrobe. This means taking the time to reflect on your personality, values, and interests. To feel into who you are now, while holding space for all that you are becoming. Reflect on the questions below to gain clarity on your personal style.

  1. What is your lifestyle? ie: work, dress up, leisure time, mothering

  2. Are you going through or about to go through any life transitions that may change your lifestyle, such as becoming a mother or taking on a leadership role?

  3. What are your values? Do you prioritize supporting sustainable fashion brands and circular fashion?

  4. Do you want your clothing to reflect your cultural heritage?

  5. What colors, patterns and textures are you most drawn to / feel the most comfortable and confident in?

  6. How do you want to feel in your clothing?

  7. What do you want your style to say about you / what story do you want to tell?

Reflect on these questions and desires and allow them to guide you towards identifying your refined and elevated personal style. You can also take inspiration from your favorite celebrities, bloggers, or influencers, but remember that your personal style should be a reflection of your unique self, and that developing your style takes time and experimentation.

Create Your Vision

I always suggest creating a Pinterest board to organize these different lifestyle aspects by section and adding style inspiration to each board. Doing so helps to clarify the vision, mood, overall feeling, and direction of your personal style.

Build Your Wardrobe

Embarking on the journey of discovering your personal style requires building a wardrobe that accurately reflects your unique self. This process involves experimentation, so don't hesitate to try out various styles to see what suits you. Visit local boutiques or vintage stores, and use the "try it on" option for online retailers that offer this service. Invest in pieces that you truly love and feel confident wearing. When considering clothing options, keep in mind the quality of the material and opt for timeless pieces that can be worn year after year. Aim to curate a conscious closet if you desire to be more kind to mother nature. Remember that embodying your personal style and building an intentional wardrobe is a process that takes time, so there's no need to buy everything at once. Take it at a pace that feels right for you and listen to your intuition.

Integrate Your Personal Style, Wear Your Story

Incorporating your personal style into your wardrobe and daily routine requires thoughtful decisions that showcase your individuality and personality. One of the most important aspects of embodying your personal style is anchoring yourself in the feeling you want to project in your life and style. Take time to meditate on that feeling before getting dressed in the morning. You could even make a ritual of it. Then, choose your outfit accordingly and wear your story confidently. Remember that fashion and personal style are forms of alchemy and self-expression, deeply feminine traits - it should be fun, creative and playful!


Embracing your personal style is a continuous process that involves self-exploration, experimentation, and intentional choices. By discovering your personal style and incorporating it into your wardrobe and daily routine, you can showcase your multidimensionality, embrace your unique story, and use fashion as a tool to express who you are and what you stand for. Through self-love, self-awareness, and intentionality, you can feel confident, comfortable and at ease in how you present yourself to the world.

These are all things we go into in depth in our Personal Styling Offerings at Renaissance Woman. Book a connect call to see which offering might be best for you.


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