Seasonal Rituals to Amplify Vitality & Feel in Flow with Life


Being a Renaissance Woman involves attuning to our cyclical nature & making sure we are regularly checking in with ourselves to understand our current state.

Living cyclically means aligning our lives with the seasons of nature and embracing its natural process of birth, decay, and death. When we don't check in, we may find ourselves rushing through transitional times that require us to slow down and reflect, and as a result, we may wake up one day feeling overwhelmed, confused and disconnected from our lives. We might experience that uncomfortable feeling—a knot in your stomach or tension in your heart—that something is just off or out of alignment, but life seems to be moving too quickly that you can't quite pinpoint what it is.

So as we approach the end of a quarter, it's a great time to take stock of our lives, evaluate our desires and dreams, and our progress towards them, assessing whether our desires still align or if adjustments or changes need to be made. And just like we need to clean our homes and declutter our spaces, our minds and bodies also require regular maintenance.

“Sometimes when our minds are dispersed and scattered this pruning cuts away all the false branching where our passion and energy are leaking out” — John O’Donohue

Embracing our cyclical nature and viewing it as a ritual, incorporating the feminine guidance of plants and the earth, while also embracing our directive masculine energy, can bring balance and fluidity into our lives.

When there is too much clutter in the mind, body, or home, it can feel like the world is closing in on our feminine spirit. This creates a sense of unsafety and a lack of room for growth or clarity amidst the overwhelm. Using our masculine energy to create structure, organization and take action towards tidying up anywhere we are leaking our passion and energy out, allows our feminine energy to have spaciousness, feel safe, open up, receive and expand within that structured yet fluid space.

Engaging in quarterly rituals can serve as a ceremony to release stagnant energy from our systems, let go of what no longer aligns with the version of ourselves we are becoming, realign with our desires, and restore the balance of masculine and feminine energies in our lives. By creating space for new opportunities and growth, we open ourselves up to receive greater clarity, vitality and flow.


a Ritual for all Seasons

Use this simple ritual on a quarterly basis, as each equinox and solstice approaches, to gain clarity and create more space in your life…

Grab your journal and take time to ground into your space — light candles, burn some palo santo, whatever makes you feel calm and cozy.

Take 3 deep, grounding breaths.

Now, meditate on the following prompts and write down what comes up in a journal.

  1. This season I want to feel…

  2. This season I want to grow … (what are you actively calling into your life)

  3. Things I am ready to release this season include…(things, people, habits, stories that feel like they are weighing you down)

  4. What desires are emerging within me during this current season of my life?

  5. What do I want to create more space for?

  6. What do I need to transform this season to be my truest self?

Note: Checking where we are leaking our energy away from our desires involves tuning in to our body. We can do this by paying attention to whether we feel a sense of closure or expansion and openness when considering what we want to bring into our lives or let go of. If we sense closure, it indicates that we can stop investing energy in that particular direction or spending time with that person or thing. Using our body as a guide is a powerful way to facilitate transformation.

Now, with a clearer understanding of what you want to incorporate and let go of in the upcoming season, here are a few additional things to consider…


 •  Mind •  

Digital Detox — Remove old contacts, texts, and voicemails from your phone. Delete old emails, files, and empty your computer's trash. Unfollow accounts on social media that no longer resonate with who you are becoming. This will help clear your mind, protect your energy, and refocus your priorities.

Vision - Write a seasonal bucket list of activities that light you up or create a vision board with images and words that represent your desired future.

Seasonal Playlist - Create an enchanting seasonal playlist to fully embrace the dynamic energy of the season.

•   Body •  

Movement - Embrace seasonal activities for natural movement that match your energy levels. Consider trying a new activity or class to add variety and excitement to your routine.

Nutrition - Assess your diet for necessary adjustments as you enter each new season. Do you need to reduce your intake of sugar or processed foods? Are you getting enough protein and fat? Are you nourishing yourself based on your body's current demands? Eating local and seasonal can maximize nutrient density and greatly enhance your well-being.

Embodiment - Consider your level of embodiment and if you'd like to connect deeper. Perhaps you need to embrace more feminine energy, practice Venus Friday’s, or use beauty as a compass to establish a deeper connection with your body and intuition, as a powerful guide.

•  Home •  

Declutter - Take the time to declutter your physical space. Get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose, lights you up or aligns with who you are now and who you are becoming. This practice can help create a sense of calm and lightness, and increase creativity.

Closet Detox - Feel into the version of yourself you want to become and curate your wardrobe accordingly. Keep what feels in alignment and release what doesn't. As we transition to spring/summer, pack away sweaters and coats to create more space in your closet.

Space Clearing - Cleanse and purify your home energetically. Use practices such as smudging with sage or palo santo or playing mantra’s on your speaker to clear the energy you just released.

By aligning these rituals with each seasonal equinox and solstice, we intentionally shift our energy as we transition into a new phase. Embracing the practices of clearing our minds, nurturing our bodies, and decluttering our physical spaces allows us to create space for new growth, a more balanced and vibrant life that feels effortless and in feminine flow.


The Power of Embracing Beauty as a Compass


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