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Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti

Seasonal Rituals to Amplify Vitality & Feel in Flow with Life

Living cyclically means aligning our lives with the seasons of nature and embracing its natural process of birth, decay, and death. When we don't check in, we may find ourselves rushing through transitional times that require us to slow down and reflect, and as a result, we may wake up one day feeling overwhelmed, confused and disconnected from our lives. So as we approach the end of a quarter, it's a great time to take stock of our lives, evaluate our desires and dreams, and our progress towards them, assessing whether our desires still align or if adjustments or changes need to be made. And just like we need to clean our homes and declutter our spaces, our minds and bodies also require regular maintenance.

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Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti Latest Posts Jessica Zanotti

How to Curate a Conscious Closet

Learn about the negative impact of the fast fashion industry on the environment and learn tips on how to create a more ethical closet and sustainable wardrobe through mindful curation, supporting sustainable fashion brands, choosing quality over quantity, buying vintage or second-hand clothing, hosting clothing swaps, and taking the time to build an ethical closet. The goal is to align the fashion industry with the world's natural resources and create a healthier planet.

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Latest Posts Squaremuse Team Latest Posts Squaremuse Team

Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energies

Learn about the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies (yin and yang) for everyone, regardless of gender. This article provides health tips and wellness tips for engaging both energies, such as using pleasure as a compass, working out for masculine energy, and practicing cyclical living, connecting with nature and creative expression for feminine energy. Learn about the importance of assessing your environment and life to ensure a healthy balance of yin and yang energies.

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