The Power of Embracing Beauty as a Compass

“Beauty for the sake of beauty is necessary, vital & healing. Beauty invites wonder. Beauty reminds us of hope & possibility. Beauty gives us permission to stop, rest & restore our tired bones. When all is confusing or brittle, beauty is softness. When all is heavy and tense, beauty is release. When all seems lost, beauty can call us home. And Aphrodite reminds us that in our beauty & in our ability to find & celebrate it, we are smoothed & we become resilience. For what can another do if we are truly & madly in love with the world?” — Pagan Portals, Aphrodite by Irisanya Moon

Beauty as a Compass

In a world that values productivity and efficiency, it is easy to lose sight of the importance of beauty in our lives. While beauty is hard to define, I believe it is not just a superficial concern. Rather, beauty can serve as an important compass, guiding us towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

The Importance of Beauty

Beauty is often seen as a luxury, something that is nice to have but not essential. However, when we take the time to appreciate beauty in all its forms, we are reminded of the richness and complexity of the world around us. Beauty can help us connect with our emotions and cultivate a sense of wonder and awe. It can inspire us to be more creative and open-minded, and to approach life with a sense of curiosity and exploration.

Beauty and Well-being

Numerous studies have shown that beauty is closely tied to our well-being. When we surround ourselves with beauty, whether it be in nature, art, or ritual adornment, we experience a positive shift in our mood and outlook. Beauty has the power to evoke emotions such as joy, awe, and wonder, which can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. Beauty also has the ability to bring us into the present moment and inspire mindfulness. When we take the time to appreciate the beauty around us, we become more grounded and less focused on our worries and stressors. This can lead to a greater sense of inner peace and calmness, and allow us to radiate our true inner beauty.

“Beauty is the dwelling place for an enlightened consciousness” — Jordan Peterson

Beauty and Self-Discovery

Beauty can also be a powerful tool for self-discovery. When we pay attention to the things that move us, that bring us joy and wonder, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our values. By exploring our own unique sense of beauty, we can discover new passions and interests that we might not have otherwise considered. This can lead to a more purposeful and authentic life, one where we are able to express ourselves fully and without reservation.

Beauty and Liberation

Beauty will be the orchestrator for restoring humanity and through prioritizing and communing with beauty, we can achieve both individual and collective liberation. A culture that arises from emptiness, egotistical desires, and corrupt and individualistic intentions cannot, and will not, produce beauty — and when we lose sight of the true value of beauty, both individually and culturally, we have lost our way. We can all contribute to creating a more beautiful world by making conscious choices in all aspects of our lives. By embracing the Beautiful, we can resist the societal conditioning that tells us to value dominant masculine qualities of productivity and efficiency over softer, more heart centered feminine traits such as human connection, depth and truthfulness. And amidst what seems to be a tireless struggle towards reform or change, it is an essential and revolutionary act to remain steadfast in prioritizing beauty.

“Beauty, no doubt, does not make revolutions. But a day will come when revolutions will have need of beauty.” — Albert Camus

True Inner Beauty

True beauty extends far beyond what we see on the surface. It's the result of nurturing an inner radiance that stems from knowing oneself, our values, and what we stand for. When we live authentically and remain true to ourselves, that beauty shines through in all that we do.

Cultivating Beauty

To embrace beauty as a compass, we need to cultivate it in our lives. This means actively seeking out beauty in all its forms and making space for it in our daily routines. We can do this by:

  • Surrounding ourselves with beauty: Whether it's decorating our homes with artwork or spending time in nature, we can create spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, inspiring and deeply felt.

  • Performing ritual adornment: Adorning ourselves with beautiful clothing, jewelry, or makeup can be a powerful way to bring beauty into our lives and cultivate a sense of self-love and empowerment.

  • Engaging in creative activities: When we engage in creative activities, we tap into our own sense of beauty and bring it into the world. This could be anything from painting to gardening to writing.

  • Practicing gratitude: Cultivating gratitude shifts our focus towards the beauty that already exists in our lives. This practice helps us recognize and appreciate the beauty around us, even in difficult circumstances, while also cultivating inner beauty within ourselves.

“Beauty is a metric that needs to become the most important evaluation of whether we’re going in the right direction as a species or not — is what we are creating beautiful? And if it is not beautiful, we can stop spending energy in that direction and just move forward.” - Zac Bush

Beauty is the inherent worth of all things. Becoming the beautiful is a matter of "becoming" that which we already are, instead of reaching for something outside of ourselves. Beauty is a revealer of truth - the most glorious version of something radiating forth. Therefore, it is not just a superficial concern - it is a deeply feminine and very important compass that can guide us towards a more empowered and fulfilling life. We can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves by paying attention to what brings us joy and wonder. Embracing beauty in all forms can create a society that values human connection, compassion and creativity. So take the time to appreciate the beauty around you, and let it guide you towards a more virtuous and purposeful life.

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