A Guide to Mindful Consumption: Experience More Freedom by Consuming Less


In today's society, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and messages telling us to buy more, consume more, and upgrade our possessions. The result is a culture of overconsumption that damages our wallets, our psyche and the planet.

As a personal stylist, I have noticed that people tend to make impulsive purchases when they're feeling down, blindly following trends, or lack clarity on their style vision and values. Unfortunately, these impulsive buys often end up being regrettable purchases that are neglected in their closets because they do not feel cohesive with the rest of their wardrobe or suit their actual lifestyle.

Breaking free from the cycle of impulsive buying, mindlessly following trends, and excessive consumption is not only possible but can also feel liberating. Cultivating a sense of harmony in our lives involves striking the “delicate balance between the pleasure we get from things and the pleasure we get from freedom from things.”

Liberating ourselves from societal pressures to overconsume allows us to act in alignment with our true desires, free from external influences and the need to be like or keep up with others. This cultivates a unique style, boosts creativity, and promotes freedom, as we utilize what we already possess in innovative ways. Rather than being weighed down by things that don’t truly inspire us, we find liberation in surrounding ourselves only with things that resonate with our truth.

Purchasing with pleasure, intention & mindfulness with a focus on quality, longevity & adaptability creates a conscious wardrobe and conscious consumerism habits.

Mindful consumption is about the power of our choices. Each purchase we make is a vote for the kind of world we want. It's about reshaping our relationship with possessions and realizing that our value is not defined by what we own. It encourages a deeper connection with ourselves, allowing us to become sovereign and free beings.



  • Unfollow & Unsubscribe. Unfollow brands or influencers and unsubscribe from email lists that constantly make you feel like you need what they’re selling.

  • Know Yourself, Know Your Style. Get clear on your style vision and your values. When you have a clear understanding of these aspects, making stylistic choices becomes easier. You can make choices from a centered place, free from the influence of trends or constant sales tactics that pressure you into making unnecessary purchases.

  • Seasonal Cleansing. Practice regular rituals to cleanse your space, releasing stagnant energy and letting go of things that no longer align with your growth. Creating this space can bring clarity and help you appreciate the good things you already own, reducing the desire for constant consumption.

  • Invest in Quality. Prioritizing quality helps reduce frequent purchases, accumulation of unnecessary items, and mitigates throw-away culture. Investing in quality can lead to long-term savings as these items are designed to last, instead of needing frequent replacement. They offer superior durability, performance, and cost-effectiveness over time. Plus, people tend to treat quality items with respect, extending their lifespan.

  • Curate a Conscious Closet: Declutter and organize your clothes. Evaluate each item for style, fit, and the full body “fuck yes”. Donate or sell unwanted items. Build a versatile wardrobe with timeless pieces. Prioritize sustainable brands. Consider the lifecycle of each garment and choose durable, eco-friendly fabrics. Buy only what you truly love. Take care of your clothes and prioritize repairs over buying new ones. More here.

  • Prioritize Purchases. Consider creating a Pinterest board named "Wish List" and add items you're interested in buying. Instead of buying them right away, save them to the board. If you still want an item after a month, go ahead and purchase it. You could also use a spreadsheet to rank your potential purchases relative to your budget. Keep in mind, many conscious brands offer capsule collections that remain available over time, so there's no need for hasty decisions as these items remain accessible.

  • Slow down. Take a pause before you purchase something. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths to ground yourself. Then, ask yourself the questions below, while remaining aware of your bodies response to each.


Questions to ask yourself before purchasing:

Do I really need this or do I want this?

Do I have something (or multiple somethings) similar to this?

Do I have other things in my closet to wear it with or will I have to buy something new?

Do I have the shoes to wear with this?

Does it align with the color palette in my closet?

Do I get a full body “YES” when I wear it?

Is it high quality fabric? Does it feel good on my skin?

Will I be able to care for this garment according to the care instructions, considering my lifestyle and how frequently I plan to wear it?

Is it made well? Does the stitching seem firm or flimsy?

Will it last me for years or just a couple washes?

Does it look good on my frame?

Do I feel comfortable, confident and not constricted in it?

Do I actually like it on myself or do I just like the idea of it?

Does it fit into my style vision and my lifestyle? Do I see myself wearing it for years to come?

Is this an impulsive purchase that I might regret?

Can I afford it?

WHY do I want this?

The purpose of this exercise is to cultivate the habit of asking these questions before making a purchase. This will help you be more deliberate about the clothing and objects you choose to bring into your closet, home, and life.


Now, I am not suggesting that you should completely avoid experimenting with trends or that impulsive buying is something to be ashamed of. Nor do I fully support the scarcity ideology often promoted by some eco-conscious movements. However, I do believe that consuming less brings a sense of freedom and contentment to our lives and that it is benefits us to be aware of our purchasing habits and patterns.

This awareness enables us to make more mindful decisions about what we consume, invest in, and whether it truly aligns with our life and values. And by shifting our mindset to a slower rate of consumption and redefining our relationship with material possessions, we can break free from a culture of overconsumption and empower ourselves to find our worth, beauty, and agency from within.

Want to get clear on your Style Vision & break free from the cycle of over-consumption?


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